1. It's time to declutter:
Let's start with something simple and doesn't cost you anything. Keep the good stuff and toss, recycle or donate the rest. Simplifying the space makes a world of difference and is often under estimated.
2. Neutralise the space:
Why not keep the wall paint or furniture colour simple, allowing you to add pops of colour through art and decorative cushions which can be changed seasonally.A great way to add pattern is with cushions, throws and rugs, which can work together or independently to help you create the mood you want in your home. Or why not try patterned wallpaper instead?
A great way to add pattern is with cushions, throws and rugs, which can work together or independently to help you create the mood you want in your home. Some patterns adds up the depth of the room and brings out the sophistication.
4. Make layer to your room like a pro:
Every room needs layers, from the walls and floor right into the centre of the space. You can start with your basic layer, by means of your furniture, invest a little more on a reputable brand, time will know the diffference. Texture is the element that makes a room feel warm and inviting, so you need to ensure that have tactile layers in a room. So that's how you putting up your seconds layers. And you can finish with personalised mementoes as your last layers.
5. Pick your winner, go flower or green:

Greenery or flowers adds freshness to a space, and it is one of the most cost-effective ways to accessorise any room. A great thing about indoor plants is that they help to blur the line between inside and out, making rooms feel larger and fresher at the same time. And you can easily enhance mood with an interesting basket or pot, chosen to work with the existing style of your interior.